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Coyote Hunting

Aside from running White Horse Eventing, Chloe is the Kennel man and first professional whip to the Sante Fe Hunt, a coyote hunting club located in Temecula, California.

The sport of coyote hunting is an age-old tradition where horsemen and a pack of hounds hunt coyotes along the countryside.  It is an exciting event that requires training by the rider, horse, and hounds. This partnership takes time to master as the horse must get used to the commotion of a pack of hounds and the hounds need the training to learn to track a scent. White Horse Eventing offers training for your hounds and can take you, your horse, and your hounds out in the fields for practice.

Join Chloe & her hounds to work a trail and track a scent in order to become the top-notch hunter you desire.

Ask About Our Hound Hunting Services.

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